To get your own site up and running using SSL, there a few things involved, and this can vary depending on the type of hosting plan that you have
Legacy Shared Hosting, and Managed Virtual Servers
If you have a Rochen Business, Reseller, Starter, or Multiple Domain hosting plan (anything registered prior to March 1st 2015) then a Dedicated IP address will be required for SSL. A dedicated IP address costs $5.50 per month for US-based accounts or £2.95 per month for UK-based accounts1 . We will set this up after you provide your SSL cert to us for installation.
Premium Web Hosting and Managed Cloud Servers
If you have a Rochen Premium Web Hosting Plan or a Rochen Managed Cloud Server, Dedicated IP addresses are not required for SSL. These services make use of SNI to eliminate the need for a dedicated IP address. SNI is compatible with most modern web browsers. If you would prefer to have SSL installed with a Dedicated IP, the option is still available. Just let our support staff know in your support ticket when you request your CSR.
SSL Certificate Options
An SSL certificate – Rochen can provide a GeoTrust Rapid SSL certificate for $49.95 USD, £29.95 GBP, or €35.95 EUR1. Or you can purchase one from any SSL provider of your choice.
Before you can purchase your certificate, you’ll first need to have Rochen generate a CSR for you. We will post the CSR back to you in your original ticket you opened requesting it. Once you have your certificate we will have to install for you – make sure you post the certificate into the same ticket. We’ll then setup your new dedicated IP (if required) and install the SSL cert you provided.
The information we need to generate your CSR can be found here.
And finally one of the most important things: The “server type” you will need to purchase the certificate will be similar to Apache + ModSSL (X.509)
Alternatively you may wish to use our Shared SSL Certificate which is installed on all servers and available at no additional cost. More details on Shared SSL can be found here.
1 Prices are subject to change with industry costs, at any time, and are also subject to VAT where applicable.