We have a shared SSL certificate installed on all of our shared servers which you can use to securely connect to your account over an HTTPS connection which provides end-to-end encryption. This is useful if you want to collect sensitive information from your site visitors. E.g. an ordering form. Typically this shared certificate is useful for testing your SSL-based pages before actually having us install a cert of your own.
You can connect securely to your account via: https://servername.directrouter.com/~username – “servername” should be replaced with the name of the server hosting your website. E.g. “us503” and “username” should be replaced with the username of your account. E.g. “jsmith”. An example secure URL would be: https://us503.directrouter.com/~jsmith.
If you wish to have your own dedicated SSL certificate installed so that you can access your account via https://www.yourdomain.com then we can arrange this. Please see this article for full details.