Geographical Server Names

As a US Legacy Shared Hosting or US Legacy Reseller Hosting client, it is likely that your data is stored on a Rochen server named after a geographical location.

Lisbon, Vancouver, Cairo, Honolulu, Geneva, and many more, are names of Rochen servers. Those names, however, do not reflect the actual physical location of your data. If you have a US plan, then your data is hosted via our US datacentre in Dallas, Texas, USA.

Those clients with UK Legacy Shared Hosting, or UK Legacy Reseller plans, may be on servers named after animal species, and are located at our London, UK datacentre.

As legacy shared servers, both US and UK, get updated and moved over to newer hardware, they will adopt our more recent numbered naming scheme. Some current example of this are US401 or UK301, etc.

Please never hesitate to open a support ticket if you have any questions or concerns about your server location.

Updated on April 28, 2021

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