Wendy RobinsonEveryday I answer emails from existing and potential customers about our services at Rochen. The questions vary and some are more specific then others. However, I’ve noticed a trend in some of the things people ask and would like to shed some light and offer the answers to the top three sales questions here in this post.

The #1 Question at the Sales Desk is “How can I upgrade my Rochen Hosting Plan?”

As I tell people all the time, “It’s Easy.”

How Easy it?

If you are currently on a Rochen shared hosting plan that no longer meets your needs, you can upgrade anytime to a larger plan simply by opening a support ticket in our My Rochen customer portal a member of our technical support staff will be able to assist you to make the necessary changes to your account. As our support staff operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can upgrade whenever it is most convenient for you.

Do you know what the best part is? There’s no downtime in it for you. Other then your extra storage space and bandwidth, you won’t feel a thing!

Question #2: “Can I use your services before I redirect my DNS?”

Yes, absolutely.

When you sign up for an account with Rochen we give you a temporary url to use. With access to a temporary url you are able to upload your website to our servers before you switch your DNS and transfer the site permanently. This gives you the opportunity to view and test the functionality of your website, and clear up any issues. When you’re ready, just point your DNS to our nameservers (which you receive from us via your Welcome email). All done accordingly, you should experience no downtime as the DNS propagates.

Switching your DNS may vary depending on your domain registrar but is usually a simple process. Never cancel your domain registration on the assumption that you can re-register it with Rochen. We do not handle domain registration.

The third most common Inquiry is actually a tie between: “How many email addresses can I have with my plan?”, ” How many databases do you limit per account?” and, “How many subdomains can I have?”

The answer to all of the above is that we don’t actually limit those features in number.

With your Rochen hosting plan you can have as many email addresses, databases and subdomains as your plan’s available space allows.  It’s simple too and doesn’t cost you anything extra. All of these can be managed, by you, via your cPanel account in just a few steps. Email addresses are even easier to set up now with our Google Apps utility which is an available alternative to Rochen’s own email service included in our plans.

I hope to do more posts like this as new questions come in.  That’s all for now though! Thanks for reading.

If you have any questions about our services, you can reach us at [email protected], browse our Knowledge Base or ask a question in our customer forums.


Wendy Robinson joined the Rochen team in June 2010 as a sales support staff member. She is also currently involved with the Joomla! project as a member of the Community Leadership Team.